princess diana car crash pics

princess diana car crash pics. princess diana car crash
  • princess diana car crash

  • appleguy123
    Feb 28, 07:39 PM
    They still can not have valid sacramental marriage

    Fornication doesn't matter if the person doesn't care about the religious connotations of marriage

    Greek culture also endorsed pederasty!

    You do realize that the Church did what doctors said to right? They followed the medical professional advice that after treatment they were harmless and could go back.

    Now priests can't even defend themselves, now it is guilty until proven innocent, also you don't get a trial to prove the innocence!
    Do you not think that the priests should be jailed for raping children?
    Crimes against children are usually seen badly in the public eye. The priests should not be an exception.

    princess diana car crash pics. Princess Diana Car Crash
  • Princess Diana Car Crash

  • ThunderSkunk
    Mar 23, 12:38 AM
    can you say "last ditch effort"




    Nobody wants to f around with all your mess, bleckburry.

    princess diana car crash pics. Princess Diana was killed by
  • Princess Diana was killed by

  • zelet
    Aug 25, 02:46 PM
    dotMac support is horrible! There have been a ton of problems with their email service being labeled as a spam source lately. They aren't fixing the problem and there is no way of contacting support besides some worthless email form that only gets you canned responses in reply. They have no phone support either.

    So, for a $100 a year service you get a blacklisted email address and no support. Yay for Apple!

    princess diana car crash pics. Video Of Princess Diana Car
  • Video Of Princess Diana Car

  • Benjy91
    Mar 31, 02:30 PM
    Lol, the fragmentation that "doesnt exist".

    I knew it would bite them in the ass someday.

    princess diana car crash pics. the late Princess Diana.
  • the late Princess Diana.

  • Island Dog
    Mar 26, 08:14 AM
    I wish the pre-orders would go up already.

    princess diana car crash pics. princess diana car crash chi.
  • princess diana car crash chi.

  • azzurri000
    Sep 19, 12:28 AM
    I think when the update reveals itself to be.... just a mere processor swop the moans to the high heavens would be deafening!

    Any likelihood that we will see a new case design at MWSF perchance? :rolleyes:

    Haha, sounds like other people's disappointment amuses you. Feeding the fires of anticipation there... I can play along.

    Any likelihood that we will see a laptop (NOT notebook) that can actually be used in one's lap without suffering from burns?!

    princess diana car crash pics. princess diana car crash
  • princess diana car crash

  • sehix
    Nov 28, 09:44 PM
    Actually, they do. They also got paid on every blank tape sold when cassettes were big. I think it is crazy for everyone to think that the music industry is greedy when it getting squeezed out of all of their revenue streams.

    Actually, they aren't. They're making noises like it's happening, which isn't the same thing.

    princess diana car crash pics. Princess Diana Car Crash
  • Princess Diana Car Crash

  • iJawn108
    Aug 7, 03:26 PM
    Hey nice to see osx will have system restore =D

    princess diana car crash pics. princess diana car crash
  • princess diana car crash

  • DMann
    Aug 7, 03:23 PM
    The new HW is fine, but Leopard is exciting! I'll look forward to this as I have all the big cats.

    In nine months or less......... we'll have those
    Top Secret features in our machines - too bad
    for Redmond they won't be revealed until then.
    Core graphics and Quartz Extreme will be amazing.
    Love Time Machine, Spaces, etc.

    princess diana car crash pics. Diana crash
  • Diana crash

  • Lollypop
    Aug 5, 05:17 PM
    *BitTorrent - Integrated into Leopard as a core technology, much like Spotlight. Used in Software Update and a new version of Safari.

    *iChat Phone - Call numbers through iChat as part of .Mac... I guess you could make a conference with a combination of multiple phone numbers/iChatters.

    I like the BitTorrent idea, would make downloading software updates very fast, could also be cool if its used for that movie store we have been hearing so much about :p

    Im a bit phone geek but just a plain revision to iChat to compete with aduim will make me a very happy camper already!

    princess diana car crash pics. a car crash with Princess
  • a car crash with Princess

  • handsome pete
    Apr 6, 12:42 PM
    What businesses out there can just switch operating systems on a whim because they latest and greatest came out for another platform?

    Not that I disagree with what he said, but there are a good share of big post houses that had switched from Avid to FCP or vice versa. Also, from Avid/FCP/other to Adobe.

    Not on a whim of course, but it's certainly not crazy to think companies will switch platforms if a better solution is out there.

    princess diana car crash pics. Princess Diana with her two
  • Princess Diana with her two

  • bigwig
    Aug 8, 01:54 AM
    I wonder if Time Machine will work correctly with FileVault? Saving file alterations to an unencrypted backup defeats the purpose of using FileVault in the first place.

    princess diana car crash pics. princess diana car crash
  • princess diana car crash

  • tirk
    Apr 11, 11:44 AM
    If it is going to be a 4g/LTE iPhone then this works for me. I have no complaints with my iPhone 4 so waiting another 4-6 months is fine with me.

    80%* of potential purchasers won't have access to LTE for at least another year from then. Given that 3G was added only after it was widely available, why would Apple take such a risk with the huge numbers of June/July iPhone users coming to the end of their contracts for such a minority market?

    [*made up statistic, but I bet it's not far wrong! :D ]

    princess diana car crash pics. where crash killed Diana
  • where crash killed Diana

  • MadeTheSwitch
    Apr 27, 01:18 PM
    Most people here already know that I'm against the stimulus and against "gay" rights.

    My first question about a potential presidential candidate is, How morally virtuous is he? For me to vote for a candidate, he needs to be conservative fiscally and socially, especially socially.

    It's neither moral nor virtuous to be against the rights of your fellow citizens. Just sayin'

    One has to wonder why conservatives get so wrapped up in social issues when there are so many other things on the plate. Things like abortion and gays will never go away. It's just as stupid to obsess over them as it is to obsess over Obama's birth certificate. Let's fix the economy and put people back to work. Those are the real problems. Anything else is a distraction.

    princess diana car crash pics. diana car crash, princess
  • diana car crash, princess

  • turtlebud
    Aug 7, 11:47 PM
    does anyone see a potential for a security breach with the ichat feature that lets you take over someone's desktop? (the purpose is of course to collaborate or to help them fix a problem)

    princess diana car crash pics. pictures of princess diana car
  • pictures of princess diana car

  • brianus
    Sep 14, 10:23 PM
    AnandTech is putting a lot of emphasis on this FB-DIMM issue. Their Conroe vs Xeon comparisons are poor given that they maximize the FB-DIMM latency "problem" by using a Mac Pro with only two RAM slots occupied. Seems as though they have an agenda to exaggerate the importance of this technical issue.

    I have noticed this emphasis as well; not being an expert on this issue myself though, would you care to shed light on how their coverage is an exaggeration and why we shouldn't be worried about it?

    The comments about separate platforms in the NT era I took to refer to NT3.x/4 vs Win9x.

    Yes, this is what I was getting at. ("arse about face"? What is that, Swedish? :rolleyes: ). Noone other than a vintage Windows IT person would know there were further differences between versions of NT itself. Also when making comparisons I never mentioned Server 2003 (about which I know almost nothing); I was talking about XP and 2000 being relatively similar whereas, for example NT and 98 were not.

    New micro-arch -- Nehalem is due 2008.

    Really, completely new? As in, to Core 2 what the G5 was to G4? In just two years?? I guess they're really ramping things up... Core 3 Hexa Mac Pros, anyone?

    princess diana car crash pics. princess diana car crash
  • princess diana car crash

  • Al Coholic
    Mar 26, 06:03 PM
    Maybe not the worst, but definitely the most useless.

    Spotlight does a so much better job.

    Agreed. I keep my dock pretty sparse so if the app ain't there it's only a few keystrokes away.

    The new Launcher is just one of those eye-candy apps. It'll be the first thing I delete.

    princess diana car crash pics. princess diana car crash
  • princess diana car crash

  • rfahey
    Apr 8, 03:11 AM
    Wow. I bought mine at Best Buy on opening day and they sold out of them. Why in anybody's right mind would best buy not sell what they have?

    You only "think" they sold out. If this is what they were practicing all along they probably had like 3 weeks rations.

    princess diana car crash pics. the aftermath of the crash
  • the aftermath of the crash

  • cloudnine
    Jul 14, 04:27 PM
    Dual video cards are only used by gamers. I doubt gamers are going to be interested in buying one of these, for the same reason they don't buy other Macs - the software comes out for other platforms first.

    What about support for 2 30" cinema displays? You need two video cards to do that, right?

    Apr 6, 07:52 AM
    Ah delivery on a drive that would be nice although as we archive to SR I suspect we won't do it for a while.

    Promo departments will only every get a DVD with time code across it from me as all to often I have seen them do something we have said they can't with the footage, I like to control exactly what they get to do with it.

    Delivery on drives is such a nice concept but unfortunately like the quoted poster mentions drives are not ideal archive media... Tapes are still miles better in terms of long term robustness.

    Now if SSD prove to be robust enough to be used in archival processes then i can see a completely tapeless environment taking the stage.

    Sep 19, 09:26 AM
    Come on APPLE! My pocket is full and ready for a New C2D MacBook! :D

    Mar 22, 05:35 PM
    This is just a preview of the future, Android based tablets will clean the iPads clock. Apple made the so-called iPad 2 as a 1.5. Low res camera, not enough RAM, and low res screen. It's going to be a verrrry long 2012 for Apple. Sure it's selling like hot cakes now, but when buyers see tablets that they don't have to stand inline for, that have better equipment and are cheaper ... Apples house of cards will come crashing down around them.

    The only strength that Apple has is the app ecosystem; which is why they are going after Amazon for spiting on the sidewalk. They know the world of hurt coming their way.

    I love reading your posts. Some of the most ignorant on the site. Keep living in your little fantasy world.

    Apr 6, 02:17 PM
    I guess it wouldn't hurt their future sales to announce international release dates. Several people I know have ordered or bought an iPad 2 simply because it is available (even with order backlogs) compared to Honeycomb tablets.
    Here in continental Europe, all I saw so far was an announcement for the second quarter, which can slip to whenever...
    Those of you who already got it - is it worth the wait?

    Aug 5, 06:35 PM
    Xserve Pro (uuuuggghhh!!!... must. remain. Xserve)

    There will be no Xserve Pro until there is an Xserve Non-Pro. Many people would love to see an xserve mini (, but at present there is no need to change the name.

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