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  • yoda pug Yoda pug:

  • CalBoy
    Jan 26, 02:00 AM
    Sorry... didn't mean to sound huffy. :cool:

    I always wondered where "huffy" came from. :p

    [/off topic]

    AAPL will recover, but perhaps not soon. The markets are in a state of confusion right now (I can imagine that this week was one roller coaster for day traders! :eek:), but Apple is a solid company with solid earnings, solid growth forecasts, and a solid roadmap for the near future.

    I mean, it's not as if Apple is taking on suspect mortgages...:p

    funny pug pictures. Pug Dressed in a Darth Vader
  • Pug Dressed in a Darth Vader

  • tristangage
    Jan 26, 09:54 AM
    You poor boy. Will this leave a lasting scar? It wasn't 100 pages for me anyway as I view more *posts per page. So there. :p

    No need to be a douche, and for the record, peapody is female.

    I was actually surprised to see she hadn't started the latest thread! She posts enough in them so I guess it doesn't matter though ;)

    Latest for me...
    On hearty italian. 'Twere delicious, my weekly treat to myself.

    funny pug pictures. depressed-pug.jpg
  • depressed-pug.jpg

  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 13, 07:59 PM
    Anyone actually planning on buying this? Especially with a refresh right around the corner?

    Of course. I'll bet a lot of the true followers would still buy the original iPhone is Steve said it was better.

    funny pug pictures. Funny+pug+pictures
  • Funny+pug+pictures

  • G-Force
    Apr 15, 11:07 AM
    I had the same issue with my 3GS, I had to edit my /etc/hosts file using Terminal and remove the line with in it.

    funny pug pictures. Funny Pug pics
  • Funny Pug pics

  • Aetherhole
    Mar 15, 08:19 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Nice! That gives me hope! I'll be at the spectrum in half an hour.

    funny pug pictures. School
  • School

  • ipader
    Apr 13, 02:21 PM
    How do these analysts earn money? Who ever pays them, should be fired. If we have to wait until September for the iPhone/iPod refresh, it's going to be 5 long and painful months putting up with all this crap everyday from the rumormill.

    The closest I could see to this might be a rebranded Samsung set that contains an ATV, sold by Samsung

    funny pug pictures. a pug. They are very funny
  • a pug. They are very funny

  • prady16
    Oct 24, 08:20 AM
    Just called up my apple retail store.
    The stocks are not in yet. They just noted down my number and will call me once they get it.
    I am sure i am 1st on their waiting list as i called them up at 9:05am! :D

    funny pug pictures. AHAHAHHA IT#39;S A PUGCHAIATRIST!

  • Sodner
    Apr 29, 07:20 AM
    Non issue. Nothing to see here people, move along.

    funny pug pictures. for Teacher, Napoleon, Pug
  • for Teacher, Napoleon, Pug

  • hulugu
    May 2, 02:33 AM
    ...I'm ultimately rather ambivalent about the affair. Killing a bad man neither undoes what he as done, nor justifies everything we've done over the last decade of pursuing him and his organization. Politicians and partisans will bicker and squabble over who gets the credit, but there really is less credit to go around than the media would have us believe. We'll all wake up tomorrow with the same problems we had before bin Laden died.

    Surely every thoughtful person has mixed feelings when reflecting on the events of the last ten years? Let's not get carried away.

    This. I'm a little worried that those chanting USA, USA don't realize how much finally killing Bin Laden has cost us and how dangerous the blowback could be.

    Afghanistan will remain a determined mess, while Pakistan teeters. Thousands are dead, thousands more see the US as the power behind the buzzsaw death of wedding parties. We have not won.

    funny pug pictures. One Eyeyd Pug
  • One Eyeyd Pug

  • profets
    Apr 25, 08:40 AM
    why do people believe this is possible? Apple will not allow one carrier to undersell the other on the SAME DEVICE...just won't happen it's bad for sales...which is why there is no competition between AT&T and Verizon...similar plans on voice text and data...otherwise everyone would play carrier swap every few month to get the best deal...if Tmobile gets the iPhone while still independent from AT&T you better believe you won't get unlimited everything for 70 bucks

    I would guess its because outside of the US there's countries with multiple carriers that compete on price/features/plans as well. I don't think Apple will not allow it to happen, I'd say that AT&T won't allow it to happen (assuming the buyout goes through).

    Besides, if the iPhone gets the 1700 3G band added, I know theres people here in Canada who will use it on Wind with $35 unlimited everything.

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  • all in pug Funny pictures

  • andiwm2003
    Oct 24, 07:52 AM
    i knew i should have had a large salad for breakfast.

    funny pug pictures. were funny to share:
  • were funny to share:

  • Wurm5150
    Apr 22, 09:28 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    It's WiMax.. iPhone is going to be LTE. Apple is obsessed with thin design. Using two separate chip for 3G and 4G will make things too tight. I'm guessing they want the hybrid chip..

    funny pug pictures. Smart Pug
  • Smart Pug

  • icrew
    Oct 24, 07:50 AM
    For me, the biggest news is the 3GB of RAM and 200GB of disk that's available now--frankly the 2GB in my MBP-CD (Core Duo--how are we going to distinguish them now?) is a bit anemic, especially for running Parallels and PowerPC apps simultaneously.

    (At least I'll finally get my boss to order one, so I can play with one of the new ones....)

    Edit: Can't seem to add the new 15 to my shopping cart from the edu (College/University Proposal) store--just get:
    "Your session has timed out after a period of inactivity. Please return to the Store Menu to continue shopping." I can add other items to the cart from that store, so it's just something that's screwed up. Sigh. Guess I should just go back to bed and wait awhile!


    funny pug pictures. Labels: dog 101, funny, pug
  • Labels: dog 101, funny, pug

  • frito1224
    May 4, 12:52 AM
    Verizon in store rep told me that their version will be out in September

    funny pug pictures. I want a pug farm.
  • I want a pug farm.

  • rhett7660
    Apr 30, 04:30 PM
    Both AAC ( and MP3 ( have licensing fees. It's also a complete mess on the MP3 licensing side.

    Great read. Thank you for the links! Kind of blows the open and free notion out of the water.

    funny pug pictures. funny-dog-pictures-pug-asks-if
  • funny-dog-pictures-pug-asks-if

  • johnnyjibbs
    Mar 31, 11:51 AM
    Firstly, I'd be very surprised if this was Gold Master considering how early it is and I was expecting there to be a few UI updates prior to its release given that the Leopard look is quite old now.

    But now they've given us this, a hark back to the whole brushed metal fiasco of early Mac OS X, where there was a mixture of ghastly brushed metal and aqua (yes and that brushed metal Finder ;)). The original reasoning behind the brushed metal was that it was supposed to be reserved for things like iTunes, where certain apps were supposed to resemble their physical counterparts (sound familiar?) but then Apple had to keep amending the UI Interface rules to cover off its many own violations!

    Something tells me we're not done yet. Expect Address Book to be the next to 'go leather'. And I wouldn't be surprised if that was it.

    From what I remember, Leopard looked like Tiger did for most of its development, before a release just prior to Gold Master made everything the dark grey gradient as you see today. It wouldn't surprise me if the end Lion product looks nothing like the Leopard/Snow Leopard look that you see right now.

    When Steve said he wanted to see more of the iPad on Mac OS X, at least we now know he wasn't kidding ;)

    funny pug pictures. Funny Pug Pictures
  • Funny Pug Pictures

  • Surely
    Sep 14, 09:20 PM

    Lying on the internet takes skillz.

    funny pug pictures. the Pug
  • the Pug

  • Mischka07
    Sep 30, 07:01 PM
    Would it be out of line for me to suggest that AT&T should hire an outside agency to determine what the normal dropped call percentage is in each market, and then offer those markets a monthly discount on their rate equal to that percentage?

    I am in Southern California, Orange County area and would say my dropped call rate is around 20%. I spent some time in San Francisco in July and the service was horrible, my biggest problem was with data and the accuracy of maps ... which can be an issue when you're walking around a town like that and you've never been there.

    Stupid question, but they don't already use an outside agency for that?

    OT: I used to live in Aliso Viejo (OC) and had Cingular for my carrier. Over a 60 day period, the service got so bad in my house I could no longer make/receive phone calls. When I called CS to complain about the service, I was told that the contract I signed never states Cingular was required to provide cell service. I still don't know if that was true or not, but I dropped them that day and went with VZW.

    funny pug pictures. Funny Dogs Pictures
  • Funny Dogs Pictures

  • HLX
    Mar 31, 10:42 AM
    The rest of the design is not so bad but I wish Apple would get over the urge to make things look like their physical incarnations. I know there is a name for this but it escapes me at the moment.


    It is a bit like that, though maybe not fully, it's more visual as opposed to functional (for example in address book you don't have to 'turn' a page on the screen).

    Anyway it is a bit odd, and bound to be super polarising. Personally I think I'd live with it for a while as it does help it stand out from the other dozen+ windows I tend to have open.

    Apr 26, 12:58 PM
    I'm hoping the MobileMe revamp means that some parts of the current service become free while things like this Music Cloud thing are part of the paid MobileMe.

    This would mean that, as a paying subscriber I wouldn't need to pay extra for the Cloud Service since I'm already paying for the full MobileMe vs the free one with less features.

    Whether it's the same yearly price or a reduced one would be cool, but if it's more expensive (I don't see why it would be if some basic features become free) then it wouldn't be worth it unless they add some new really awesome features to fill in the gap that the free parts would leave.

    May 1, 10:31 PM
    Do we know where Chuck Norris was last week?

    May 3, 08:25 AM
    Hyper-Threading (Intel Core i7 only) � a technology that allows two threads to run simultaneously on each core. So a quad-core iMac has eight virtual cores, all of which are recognized by Mac OS X. This enables the processor to deliver faster performance by spreading tasks more evenly across a greater number of cores.


    Apr 24, 12:40 AM
    This was obviously a hate crime committed by a ghetto-licious duo, them gurls went ham, fo' realz, peace dogg

    Apr 28, 04:43 PM
    So you've waited this long for the white iPhone 4, then you put it in the case!? ROFL!

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