funny horoscopes

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  • lordonuthin
    Oct 20, 10:06 PM
    Someone claim the got 43 mins frame time on the biadv with a core i860 and Linux, same CPU as the higher end iMac. That is the same as my 3Ghz 8 core Mac Pro. You think it is possible?

    I think they were dreaming;) my i7 920 with ubuntu does normal frames in about 6 minutes, I think, I'm at work now so not absolutely sure but in that range. The mp is running normal frames at about 2 minutes.

    funny horoscopes. Horoscopes and Tarot is a
  • Horoscopes and Tarot is a

  • macmax
    Jul 21, 08:01 PM
    Watch the BUNNY :confused:

    What a PERFECT name for MS ...

    ... ZUNE ...

    ... much later then SUNE !!!

    ��� WoW !!!

    Nothing looks more similar to a TOILET :eek: I think I will FLUSH ...

    never seen something so Ugly!!!!!!!!!!Yikes!!!!!

    funny horoscopes. Vector funny chinese horoscope
  • Vector funny chinese horoscope

  • dethmaShine
    Mar 31, 02:10 PM
    If you want functionality, then go use Windows. Most Mac users are designers and the look of something is just as important as functionality. Steve Jobs may love the look of his day planner, that doesn't mean I have to be stuck with it.

    You and the person you quoted imply that UI is not a part of the functionality.

    Am I right?

    funny horoscopes. THE ZODIAC SIGNS

  • aly
    Oct 24, 08:04 AM
    I'm about to get my card out and spend spend spend!!! I was going to get the 17" due to the fw800, DL superdrive and screen space of course. Now I wonder, the 15" is attractive being that bit smaller. Anyone got any comments on either? Still like the screen on the 17" but I'm thinking 15" would be a bit more portable.

    funny horoscopes. Useful; Funny; Awesome
  • Useful; Funny; Awesome

  • schatten
    Jul 24, 06:25 PM
    I'm so glad I held out before buying the wired one! hooray!

    funny horoscopes. horoscopes are just funny
  • horoscopes are just funny

  • daveschroeder
    Oct 23, 08:04 AM
    just to clear up the confusion, is this a legal or technical restriction? Can you still do this with the basic edition technically, but illegally. Or are there technical restrictions being applied?

    It's neither, as I've already explained.

    But to answer your question, even if there were a legal restriction, there is definitely not any technical restriction that would prevent it from being installed in a VM anywhere.

    funny horoscopes. The Horoscope by Elephant Man
  • The Horoscope by Elephant Man

  • rhett7660
    Feb 25, 11:20 AM
    As it is looking, looks like the show might be done period. Which just sucks. One of my favorite shows too! :mad:

    funny horoscopes. Funny Cobo Panda Zodiac Signs
  • Funny Cobo Panda Zodiac Signs

  • Aetherhole
    Mar 11, 11:50 PM
    Was unfortunately one of the MANY who didn't get anything today...

    Originally thought about the 32GB 3G, but ultimately decided I wanted the 64 3G. Sadly, was waiting at the South Coast Apple Store and slowly heard them announce the 3G models all disappearing one by one.

    Waited for 3 hours... not the longest I've waited, but still disappointing. Oh well, Online Ordering here I come!

    funny horoscopes. of Funny Astrology
  • of Funny Astrology

  • idea_hamster
    Jul 24, 06:28 PM
    Gotta say that I'm not impressed.

    AA batteries = stupid. Period.

    I'm not a big fan of the Kensington studio mouse, but the charging cradle is ideal. Done for the night? Stick your mouse in the dock and forget about the batteries.

    I think the general Mighty Mouse is pretty good (although the lift-index-finger-to-right-click is substandard -- just try to explain that to a non-computer person). The wireless version would have been quite good with a recharger.

    Oh, well... :rolleyes:

    funny horoscopes. funny
  • funny

  • Megakazbek
    Apr 13, 05:22 AM
    By bringing up the rear you mean leading the pack now in sells and innovation, hardware*(No one can argue that all of the android phones in the iPhone 4's category all have better specs.
    As far as I remember, iPhone 4 still is smaller, has better battery life and screen resolution than comparable Android phones. What specs do you mean?

    iOS also has to dish out the features that the customers want.

    1. File system
    2. More personalization
    3. Widgets
    4. Better notifications
    5. Wifi tethering
    6. the most important of them all it must have a picture of me on it.
    Better notifications - yes. File system - never, it's an archaic way of user file management, it's only suitable for OS internal usage and should never be exposed to end user. I agree that there should be better way of managing documents and media in iOS, but it should NOT be any crap like a "file system". And Apple will only implement it when they invent something cool, they will never allow crap on their devices.
    Widgets and personalization - not needed. Only nerd losers stare at their OS, being unable to find any better way to spend their pathetic empty life with no purpose. Normal people never see OS screen for more than 0.5 seconds - the time it takes to lauch required app. No one needs personalizing something that you don't even look at.
    5 & 6 are already available.

    funny horoscopes. Pet Horoscopes and a Funny
  • Pet Horoscopes and a Funny

  • firewood
    Apr 14, 10:24 AM
    A native Mac OS X app that will run iOS apps.

    Interesting possibility. It would be extremely difficult to emulate a complete iOS device (custom ASICs and all). But Apple could emulate just enough ARM instructions to emulate an app that was compiled by Xcode & LLVM (which would limit the way ARM instructions were generated), and used only legal public iOS APIs (instead of emulating hardware and all the registers), which could be translated in Cocoa APIs to display on a Mac OS X machine.

    funny horoscopes. funny. Negative. careless
  • funny. Negative. careless

  • ZiggyZidel
    Mar 31, 10:54 AM
    This is hideous.Hopefully there are custom settings because this is definitely
    a step backwards design wise to me.

    Also, it is definitely. time for them to inegrate Facetime and iChat

    funny horoscopes. Love : books funny humor
  • Love : books funny humor

  • chrmjenkins
    Apr 25, 04:34 PM
    This story is simple. It begins with a man, lbro.

    Vote made completely to fit with the narrative. Person chosen at random. Consult your doctor before agreeing with this vote. May cause coughing, sneezing, hepatitis, enlarged wallabies and anal leakage.

    funny horoscopes. Funny horoscopes, puzzles
  • Funny horoscopes, puzzles

  • leekohler
    Nov 11, 09:11 AM
    Burberry Pullover

    Screw the shirt, give me him for Christmas. :)

    funny horoscopes. Simply buy a funny clothing
  • Simply buy a funny clothing

  • lulla01
    Nov 3, 07:27 PM
    Why the hell not ?! :)

    you have great taste my friend, id love one of these myself.

    funny horoscopes. close Your Zodiac Profile
  • close Your Zodiac Profile

  • WhiteShadow
    Aug 15, 10:16 PM
    top secret can also mean surprise. they didn't show us all the things they mentioned are improved.

    funny horoscopes. The Horoscope by Elephant Man
  • The Horoscope by Elephant Man

  • yac_moda
    Jul 26, 05:04 PM
    I sent Apple a long description about how to build a GPS location service into .Mac, iPods, PowerMacs, and with a proximity sensor.

    This was right after the kid in NY was killed for his iPod.

    Remember SJ promised a fix for this.

    I wonder if the proximity sensor will be wiresless disposable earphones :confused:

    As for REMOTE TOUCH I still think all touch screen actions will work best with the fingers on the BACK of the device and with them graphically and transparently reflected over the interface.

    And probably the ULTIMATE use of finger laser tracking would be a keyboard that has keys with multiple depths, dispose of those shift keys ! I also sent them a suggestion for a keyboard like this but that idea did not use laser tracking, it used a new type of button :eek:

    If the touch area for the hands were just flat wings on the back the swung outwards, they could also act as a support for the screen EXACTLY LIKE the traditional book holder:eek: :eek: :eek:

    funny horoscopes. Funny Cobo Panda Zodiac Signs
  • Funny Cobo Panda Zodiac Signs

  • Padraig
    Aug 18, 04:28 PM
    Yet that doesn't change the fact that the BSOD still exists in XP.

    Ive never experienced the BSOD in 5 years, which is remarkable given the problems i had with 95. Bought a Rev D ibook when they were released, had two kernal panics within first week. Was not impressed with the stability of Panther, Tiger seems somewhat better. Applications still seem to shut down without warning.

    funny horoscopes. Funny Dirty Horoscopes
  • Funny Dirty Horoscopes

  • mscriv
    Mar 1, 10:38 AM
    I heard some radio jocks this morning say that they think this whole Charlie Sheen thing is a bit. Kinda like the whole Joaquin Phoenix thing or a radio shock jock who just goes way over the top. Of course the partying and lifestyle is real, but they were talking about this present media tour and the crazy talk he's spouting. It all equals more publicity for him, the network, and the show.

    After thinking about it this explanation sounds pretty reasonable. If it's not that, then as many have said he's had a break with reality of some sort and the eventual end is not going to be pretty.

    Apr 13, 06:36 AM
    Waiting for you to change the tone when Apple comes out with widgets and custom personalization.
    You sound like I am against it.

    Mar 31, 01:18 PM
    I am welcome to having a better iCal but please please please:

    1. Let me turn off that horrible pleather skin
    2. Let me use colors other than 50%, 70% and 90% gray

    Apr 25, 08:27 AM
    "The T-Mobile US network uses different frequencies than AT&T's, requiring different hardware to support."

    It surprises me that it would need different hardware. I know that it is possible to jailbreak a AT&T phone to work with T-mobile. so apparently it can be done with software.

    Mar 3, 11:17 PM
    I would argue they helped themselves. They may have needed some sort of boost but they helped themselves. Someone can make a conscious decision to help themselves if they are strong enough. No one is addicted to alcohol. I would argue people are not addicted to drugs. Mind over will. Try it. Like Charlie said that Nike says, Don't attempt it, "Just Do It".

    So physiological and psychological dependence don't exist then, it's all just a matter of willpower and choice?

    Dec 1, 07:00 PM
    ...that's just because it's a "feature" of the particular video technology (e.g. in Real Media or Windows Media streams you can embed code to open a browser window)...

    And QuickTime, too. There are QT movies that will send you to a web page at the end of the film. It seems to me the trailer for Spiderman 2 did this.

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