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  • DesmoPilot
    Sep 7, 02:09 AM
    Seems like best buy is getting Playable Demos of the game I played it at mine I'm not a big racing sim fan but wow day 1 purchase for me awesome demo.


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  • joemama
    Aug 12, 07:03 AM
    Who says Apple has to piggy-back off of another carrier? Let's not forget the large distribution center Apple bought some time back. Maybe the delay in the phone has more to to with that.

    Steve holds grudges. While I think the Rokr was more of a market test, he won't go back with Cingular. We all know if Apple is going to do anything they are going to do it right - with Steve calling the shots.

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  • Chupa Chupa
    Apr 11, 01:13 PM
    Hmm... conspiracy theory here -

    Due to ATT allowing many iPhone users to upgrade early last June that puts contract expiration at Nov '11. I know that is my situation. But conspiracy or not I like.

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  • gorgeousninja
    Mar 22, 08:18 PM
    10" Tab, here I come!

    cool.. maybe if you hang out long enough at your local store you'll find another Tab customer one day and you can both form a support group...

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  • peharri
    Aug 11, 01:10 PM
    If Apple does decide they're going to compete with, rather than cooperate with, existing cellphone manufacturers, they will lose their dominance over online music.

    They have to cooperate with cellphone manufacturers because MP3 playing cellphones will end up being the future of portable music. Apple cannot make its own phone and expect to have even 10% of the entire market. Without its dominant market share, the iTMS will end up looking less attractive to the music industry - an industry already, by all accounts, upset with and wanting to get away from, iTMS - and will be deserted faster than you can say "90% of phones support Windows Media".

    I don't believe this story. It doesn't make sense. Jobs crowing over a new product which by rights ought to be veiled in secrecy strikes me as insane. Apple producing a cellphone strikes me as insane. If I were a shareholder, I'd be calling up Steve Jobs personally and demanding answers.

    That said, if it's any good, it's quadband, and supports EDGE and Bluetooth (and maybe UMA if the carriers can get their fingers out), I might buy one.

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  • Burger King
    Apr 27, 08:56 AM
    Keeping a log of nearby locations I've been around, is by proxy, logging my location. If they keep a record of the towers my phone and iPad have linked to, and the locations of these towers are fixed and known, then Apple is in effect tracking my location in this linking.

    I think it was not a bug, nut data waiting to be sent to Apple for profit generating purposes.

    You really need to get a dumb phone............oh wait.....the NSA will still be able to log every conversation, text and yes your location..........

    Either get rid of your phone or quit being such a whiner

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  • NJRonbo
    Jun 14, 06:11 PM


    You are doing all of us a great service here with this information.

    The salesman just called me from the store I was in today.

    He is telling me that there is no guarantee of the iPhone even
    if you get the pin -- but he admitted he was not certain. All he
    knew was that there was something like 9500 pins nationwide.

    Told him that I had just read your message and that you were
    saying if I got a PIN I have a guarantee of a phone.

    He warned me that Radio Shack does not want the word
    "guarantee" used.

    I am putting a lot of faith in what you are saying here.
    I will be at my Radio Shack store early tomorrow.

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  • dougny
    Nov 29, 09:13 AM
    Lame. As if they aren't gettign enough money as it is.

    They aren't. The entire music business revenues are down 40% since 2001. Sales are down hugely. I can tell you from representing these artists that all the money is down too.

    Are you spending as much on music as you did years ago?

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  • Fabio_gsilva
    Jul 27, 03:47 PM
    How about a new Mac at WWDC?

    Lower Model:
    CConroe E6300 - 1.86 GHz � FSB1066 � 2 MB cache - ($185)
    1GB RAM
    160GB Serial ATA hard drive
    Double-layer SuperDrive (DVD+R DL/DVD�RW/CD-RW)
    One open PCI-Express expansion slot
    One open Optical drive slot [maybe] (i.e. for 2nd DVD drive)
    Graphics Card with 128MB SDRAM
    Built-in AirPort Extreme and Bluetooth 2.0, USB/FW800
    Remote [(?] I think this box will still be small enough to fit into home entertainment setups.]
    Keyboard, Mighty Mouse...................................................... $999

    Some Options:
    Conroe E6600 - 2.40 GHz � FSB1066 � 4 MB cache � (+$100)
    Wireless Keyboard/Mouse +$60
    Add DVD/CD ROM drive (in 2nd slot) + $50
    250GB SATA hard drive +$75
    +1GB RAM (2GB total) +$100
    +3GB RAM (4GB total) +$300
    Slightly Better Graphics Card with 256MB SDRAM + $50
    Much Better Graphics Card +$200+

    Very nice, indeed... (of course, i expect that Apple release something much more beautiful than waht you did :D :p :D)

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  • Reventon
    Nov 12, 02:46 PM
    Here's the official release notice from Sony.

    as well as the car list and the track list.

    I'm disappointed the Bugatti Veyron is standard only, and not surprised there's no Porsches, since I believe the license to use Porsches are exclusive to EA, no other game from any company really has them. But, I am hoping that GT5 will be released on the 24th, for real this time, instead of being pushed back for the 40,000,001st time.

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  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 25, 02:01 PM
    Number 1: Apple is apparently labeling the reports as false
    Number 2: Who even cares if Apple or Google or Microsoft or any corporation is tracking our location? What things are you involved in where you would even care? What harm could their knowledge of that information cause you? (apart from the crackpot theories of paranoid people)...
    People will sue for anything these days and hopefully legislation will be passed soon to stop the ridiculousness.

    Its none of your business what things I'm involved in and want hidden. Its my right to privacy so back off.

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  • ChrisA
    Sep 13, 10:14 AM
    Very cool. Now to find apps (os10.5 direct blind support?) that can make use of all those cores. :cool:

    One app would be iTunes. I noticed iTunes was running 14 threads last night. Any time you have a multithreaded application or are running multiple single thread aplications more cores can help.

    Some server applications (the Apache web server and many DBMS systems) use a "process per client" model where a new process (another instance) of the server is created for each client connection. A bussy web server might have 100 copies of apache all running at once. 8 cores would help there.

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  • vand0576
    Aug 11, 01:46 PM
    ...There's no way in the world Apple would make as much money off of this as if they got in with one of the big guys. Just ask Disney - ESPN mobile is bombing as is Disney mobile....

    They are failing because they believe media content is what is important to people. Pumping their phones full of media and "services" which only are really advertisements that don't help anyone but Disney and ESPN. They are phones with superficial artificial sustainance.

    Technology wouldn't be such a boom if people couldn't advertise with it some way. Apple will only succeed if it can avoid this and make a product that is functional and serves a true purpose in the consumer's life without the bullcrap content.

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  • bibbz
    Jun 14, 06:02 PM

    Reservations with a pin attached DO guarantee you a phone on launch day. This is how our DC knows how many to send. Otherwise there would be no point in doing a reservation. Basically if a store takes 20 reservations, they will get 20 phones plus a few extra based on how many reservations they took. If a store tells you the reservation will not guarantee you a phone, go to a diff RS bc that store doest know what theya re talking about.

    :apple: says we cannot call it a "pre-order" and we cannot take money for the iPhone 4 before launch day!

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  • ezekielrage_99
    Aug 27, 06:59 PM
    i like the powerbook g5 jokes and have been around for a long time if that helps

    I like them as well, but I think it's been replaced with Merom next tuesday, G6 Video iPod next next tuesday and the good old iPhone next tuesday rumors.

    Still good for a laugh ;)

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  • briand05
    Apr 11, 11:49 AM
    Hopefully it will have LTE. The disappointing thing is the A5 will be outdated by the end of the year/early 2012, if they do in fact use the same processor as in the iPad 2. They better have 1 GB of RAM at least at that point too. If they wait that long I would hope that the iPhone 5 is a pretty big hardware leap.

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  • gugy
    Aug 6, 02:25 PM
    It's not relevant, the marks are registered in different fields of activity...if these guys are real, they don't have a case anyway.

    very true.
    I just think is funny the stupid mentality of a reseller threatening of a lawsuit against their major product provider. Even if Mac Pro wins the suit (very unlikely) Apple could just stop providing products to them and basically killing their business or making them switch to a PC.
    This is just is just as stupid as the Tiger Direct suit. So I would love to see Mac Pro being slapped in the face at the same way.

    The truth must be that this post was just a joke just to have us debating about it. The real Mac Pro doesn't even care about this issue.

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  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 1, 04:17 AM
    Your ignorance is staggering.
    That's strange. I've never seen my ignorance stagger. I've always thought it couldn't walk. ;)

    Seriously, please educate me, neko girl.

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  • Dan==
    Jul 27, 05:37 PM
    Another way Apple could do it is just to elongate the Mini's case to make it just as svelte vertically, only slightly wider. Could you take a run at that one Dan==?


    That's exactly what I was thinking, it would fit in with other home audio/video components--or in my case, replace them. I've played around with it, but I obviously don't have the skills that you do. ;)

    Ok, here goes. (Quick pass)
    Eeek. Not so sure I like that.

    Hmmm... maybe with just one slot?

    A little better. I personally prefer the taller narrower one, though.

    Apr 19, 03:08 PM
    When someone speaks about "smartphone marketshare" he usually means world wide and not only for Botswana. But nice try. :rolleyes:

    Are you real? How is that understood?

    Most of the times when marketshare is discussed, its discussed for the US only. I reside in England and I know its stupid to neglect the world; but every other sale means much more to US than to the world.

    Talk about CD's/DVD's/Vinyls/MobilePhones/Computers etc.

    I am not saying the world doesn't count; but US is supposed to be a big benchmark. You could have at least mentioned which marketshare you were talking about.

    Aug 18, 09:13 PM
    From the time the Apple logo is displayed. There is a pause before that starts, I'd say only 10 seconds or so.So You are saying 10 seconds from OFF to the Grey Apple then 5 more seconds to the desktop? With 3 GB of New Egg + 2GB RAM? That's still very fast. Quad G5 is almost as fast as that though.

    Jun 17, 05:51 AM
    West Coast corporate store. At 10AM Paciific they had white codes to order with but no orders were possible due to the overload. So my store manager put all the orders on paper and manually placed them with corporate later in the day over the telephone. He thinks he's getting one WHITE 32 for me and will let me know Tuesday when he gets a copy of the shipping manifest. :eek:

    Apr 6, 11:36 AM
    That isn't what this story reads, and I don't think anyone but you and I have even read the actual facts supposed here.

    I actually find this one of the least accurate stories ever posted on for several reasons... the OP is assuming ULV in the 13" MBA. The OP is assuming that if SB IGP is good enough for MBP it's fine for MBA. There is no rumor or timeframe listing these chips especially not in the 13" MBA. It seems like it's a blatant attempt to stir up activity without any real facts, rumors, or even common knowledge about the chips used in the MBAs.

    Certainly the people haven't read the story or they're somehow focusing on the 11" MBA. Sure, this would be fine for the 11" MBA in terms of CPU clock speed but even then it's a gigantic loss in Tue graphics capabilities. That leads to a problem with the author saying good enough for 13" MBP than good enough for MBA. However, the IGP clock speed used in this ULV chip will be nearly a 50% drop in graphics performance. That for me doesn't equate to if this then that...

    I am disappointed with MR for even writing such a poor piece of garbage. Forget that I cannot stand the SB IGP... the assumptions made here are absurd! It definitely doesn't warrant this sort of reply from the fans of the MBA. You and I could assailed things all day, but that isn't the story written.

    Given Apple's willingness to go with it on the 13", I'm inclined to go with the reasoning that they'll use it here. The argument that it will be a big step down from the 320M is kind of moot given that anyone will say you're crazy if you try to insist that a MBA should be used for anything like gaming or graphical work (read anyone as Apple). You also have to remember that the 320M is downclocked in the MBAs too compared to the 13", so the drop isn't as drastic as you state.

    The combination of a lower or equal TDP, a GPU that doesn't need its own heatsink because its integrated into the CPU and the very likely prolonged battery life for the MBA, it's pretty much a done deal for the MBA.

    So is that also true for the difference between SV and LV? If that is the case, the Core i7-2649M you cite above (2.3 LV chip) should be faster compared to the 2.3 i5 in the low end Pro 13?


    He didn't quite tell the whole story. A LV and ULV chip likely went through different binning as their performance at the same settings varies because the process they are built on varies. The chips that work at the extremes (say Intel's extreme desktop processors or the lowest voltage CPUs they offer) are likely the top performers in their binning tests. Just because a chip can function as a LV doesn't mean it would meet the requirements for ULV, for example. However, if the ULV chip were to be scaled to the LV's parts speed and voltage, it would function just fine.

    Apr 27, 10:58 AM
    Damn. some of you guys are *really* reaching here.

    It clearly is an issue if they have a federal lawsuit on it. The fact that Apple are rolling out an update that changes the way it works alone shows that there is clearly a problem. Apple vary rarely roll out updates that change things, even if consumers are screaming for it (mouse acceleration in OS X for example).

    You refuse to accept there is a problem. You refuse to see the breech of privacy. Why? The government and Apple have clearly accepted it.

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